Variants are used so that it is possible to order a product with different varieties, such as sizes or colors. This can be found under “settings” and then the tab “variants”.
This only works on static documents. Start by uploading a static document.
Remember to add prices and suppliers to make it possible to order products in isave.DIALOG.
Create variant types
It is only possible to select two variant types on each product, but you can add as many variations as you like.
1. First you set up the variant types that you want to be available. You can choose which parameters to distinguish, eg color and size. Then you enter the different choices the user should receive, for example red, blue and green and small / medium / large.
Note! In the next step you can link photos to the first variant type, and therefore you should choose color first and then size.
2. Click ”create variants”.
Create different variants
1. In this step you can enter unique product id’s and number available in stock if you want to show this. You can also rate the display order and delete variants or add new ones.
2. Upload images for each variant.
Note! Only for the first variant type you entered in step 1 (Color).
This is how the user will see the product and be able to order different colors and sizes:
Do you experience problems creating variants of a product, please contact us in Isave AS, so we can help!
Related links:
Add a static document
Add suppliers
Add prices
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