ADS archive

As a user or administrator with access to the isave.ADS module, you will get a full overview of your ads under system – ads archive.

Klikk på ADS arkiv

Note! Administrators of isave.DIALOG have access to all ads, while each user has access to their own ads.

Ads Archive lists the status of all ads. It shows the title of the ad, which group the owner of the ad belongs to, when the ad was created, when the ad was published (date of printing), and finally price agreed with the supplier.

Visning av ADS oversikten

To the right of each ad there is an edit icon. By clicking this or on the ad’s name it will bring up details of the ad. The fields for an ad is described in the article “Sending an ad”.

Info om en annonse

Do you have problems or questions about ads archive, please contact us in Isave AS, so we can help you!

Related links:
Make an ad
Send an ad
Ads reports


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