Variables for templates and modules

When you make a new template in isave.DIALOG, the code must be customized with a number of variables for the application to connect template images etc. properly. Underneath is a list of fields that are used both within the template and module codes.

List of variables for templates
Modul area 1 = (##PLACEHOLDER_1##)
Modul area 2 = (##PLACEHOLDER_2##)
Modul area 3= (##PLACEHOLDER_3##)
Modul area 4 = (##PLACEHOLDER_4##)
Modul area 5 = (##PLACEHOLDER_5##)

Webversion = ##Webversion##

Opt out = ##Unsubscribe##
Opt out from all newsletters from this company = ##Unsubscribe all##

Tell a friend = ##TELLAFRIEND##

Template image = (##TEMPLATEIMAGE##)

Newsletter name = (##NEWSLETTERNAME##)

Today date = (##TODAYDATE##) Will be formatted like this: 26.02.2011.

List of variables for moduler
Note that each module can only contain one of each of these codes.

Title box = (##HEADER##)
Body box (text area box) = (##BODY##)
Text box 1 to 8 =  (##TEXT1##) to (##TEXT8##)

Image = (##IMAGE##)
Image alternate text = (##IMAGE_ALT##)
Template image (not selectable by user) = (##TEMPLATEIMAGE##)

Web link = (##URL##)
Web link title (shown in newsletter) = (##URLTEXT##)
Link without a title (link as a image, paste code in a textbox) = (##LINKURL_XX##)
Swap the XX with ID from link. Note that you have to crate the link in a text box to get the ID for the link. See sample here.

Variables for RSS modules
Titel = (##RSS_TITLE##)
Description = (##RSS_DESCRIPTION##)
Date published = (##RSS_PUBLISHED##)
RSS feed link = (##RSS_LINK##)

Variables for XML modules
Text 1 to 8 = (##XML_TEXT1_XMLTAGNAME##) to (##XML_TEXT1_XMLTAGNAME##)
Replace the XMLTAGNAME with the name from your xml content.

Example: (##XML_TEXT1_ProductName##) / (##XML_TEXT2_ItemNumber##) / (##XML_TEXT3_ProductInfo##)

Do you experience problems with variables for templates and modules, please contact us in Isave AS, so we can help!

Related links:
How to create a PURL template
How to add a eDM template
How to make a PURL
How to make a eDM

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